Raedas unveils Non-Profit for Financial Investigations

Nick Bortman

Raedas has launched a non-profit organisation called FIND to investigate perpetrators of human rights abuses, war crimes and environmental harm on behalf of victims, charities and NGOs.

FIND focuses on corporate malpractice and economic crimes, including bribery, money laundering, sanctions breaking, pillage and forced labour in support of legal actions and other accountability strategies such as media campaigns and sanctioning. FIND also identifies assets for civil and criminal litigation and enforcement with a view to securing reparations for victims.

FIND’s directors are Raedas co-founder Nicholas Bortman, investigator and charity founder Louisa Barnett and experienced CFO Simon Lawton.

“We saw this as a unique opportunity to offer our expertise in financial investigations to charities and NGOs and those who most need it. This expertise is out of reach for most victims, charities and NGOs due to its prohibitive cost and a lack of providers. FIND seeks to avail these groups of the same cutting-edge capability relied upon by the corporate world” said Nicholas Bortman.

Louisa Barnett added, “we have spent the last year testing the concept of FIND among justice actors and received an overwhelmingly positive response. Financial investigations are increasingly being recognized as a powerful tool that can be integrated into accountability strategies.”

Since its inception FIND has sought justice for victims through projects which have included investigating the obscured ownership of a group of companies illegally clearing forestry; identifying the assets of a perpetrator of human trafficking and; mapping the assets of an arms dealer who facilitated the commission of war crimes.

For enquiries:
Louisa Barnett:

FIND is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales incorporated as Financial Investigations for Non-Profit Design Ltd (reg no. 12575573)